Triangle Baptist Church
4345 Inn Street
Triangle, Virginia 22172
(703) 221-7191
We invite you to join our Worship Service every Sunday at 11:00! Either in person or streaming online, we welcome you!
Streaming Live
Every Sunday at 11:00am!
This Sunday, January 19th,
Pastor Kurt Buchanan
will continue the
New Beginnings Series
with a message entitled
"Love Makes All the Difference"
I John 4:12-20.
Be sure to join us!
Sunday, January 12, 2025
New Beginnings Series: "What Now?"
James 1:22-25
Where to find us, and how to get there:
Come visit us at 4345 Inn Street, Triangle Va 22172! Nestled in a forest grove, off a quaint, narrow road, Triangle Baptist Church has a community - oriented neighborhood location that is easily accessible off Route 1 at Quantico Gateway Drive or off Joplin Road Route 619 outside Quantico Main cross roads to the USMC!
Calvary Christian School is a shared ministry of Triangle Baptist Church
John R. Wallace, Sr. Administrator