Triangle Baptist Church
4345 Inn Street
Triangle, Virginia 22172
(703) 221-7191
Pastor Search Posting
Pastor Search Posting
Triangle Baptist Church is a friendly and welcoming church that was founded in 1941. It is a small church that wants to influence our community to know and love Jesus Christ and his saving power. It is located less than one mile from the main gate of Quantico Marine Base, Virginia and 35 miles south of the U.S. Capital (Washington, DC). It is located in historic Prince William County, Virginia. The church is adjacent to I-95 and U.S. Route 1 (Richmond Highway) in Triangle, Virginia.
We have worship service on Sunday morning, Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study, Communion on the first Sunday of each month, Good Friday service, and Christmas Eve service.
We are searching for a Pastor whose sermons are Biblically based and present the Gospel of Christ. A Pastor who will lead the church in worship, ministry, outreach, and fellowship. A Pastor who will equip the church to witness for Christ and who will disciple the church members. A Pastor who visits and cares for members and prospective members of all colors, nationalities, ethnicities, and ages. Who is dedicated to growing the church, Sunday School, and Youth Ministry.
Visit us on Facebook and the Church website: www.trianglebaptistchurch.org
Email us at: office@trianglebaptistchurch.org
Fulfill the duties of the Office of Pastor as a servant of the Church, rather than the Church’s ruler who always knows best. The Pastor shall work with the Diaconate, Church Leadership Council, and Church staff to:
a. lead the Church in performing its tasks.
b. lead the Church in fellowship, worship, witnessing, education, and ministry.
c. boldly proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers.
d. visit members and prospective members.
e. care for Church members and other persons in the community.
f. examine all candidates for baptism as to their Christian experience, and
g. ensure implementation of church policies and procedures.
a. Seek to meet the spiritual needs of the Church’s people through biblical preaching, and to refrain from proclaiming the Pastor’s own opinions as the Word of God.
b. Represent the Church at denominational meetings as determined appropriate.
c. Make arrangements for filling the pulpit during absences.
d. Supervise the church staff.
e. Recommend/advise the Personnel Committee on the selection of paid staff members and determination of their duties and supervise or oversee their performance as assigned.
f. Officiate baptisms, wedding, and funeral services as appropriate and as schedules permit.
g. Meet with Committee Chairman or full committee as requested by the Chairman or any member of the committee.
h. Participate in visitation and outreach.
i. Help develop and monitor church budget.
j. Develop and recommend strategies for growth and program improvements.
k. Give final approval of church advertisements and printed materials.
l. Provide pastoral care in crisis situations, administrative and organizational leadership, and the improvement of Pastoral ministry through continued study.
m. Provide competency in ministry through well prepared sermons.
n. Be available by announcing when and where you may be contacted during the week and how you may be contacted while away from the Church field.
o. To meet the reasonable expectations of the Church for the use of time as its minister while at the same time living a personal life as God intends.
p. Manage money with integrity, so the witness of the Church is not injured.
SALARY: Negotiable
WORK HOURS: Part-Time/Full Time
LEAVE (Paid Time Off): As stated in the Church’s current leave policy.
We prefer a seminary degree.
We prefer 5 years of prior ministry experience.
We require a minimum of 3 character references.
Submit resumes, sermons, social media, or websites to: PastorSearch@TriangleBaptistChurch.org